Special Thematic Sessions (STS)

What is a Special Thematic Session

A Special Thematic Session (STS) includes a set of individual contributions (minimum 4, maximum 8) focusing on a specific topic or centred around the work of a national or international project.

STSs are aimed at providing highly relevant discussions on innovative or emerging topics in the AT field.

STS Proposers are expected to invite colleagues from the field to submit contributions. These can even be identified in advance, but there is no need to be include in the proposal.

Additionally, STS Proposers are encouraged to extend an open invitation after the STS approval and announcement.

Also, anyone submitting a paper to the conference may choose one of the STS if they believe their work fits the topic.

Special Thematic Sessions (STSs) can be submitted between September 30th and December 31st 2024. This is a rolling process and STSs notification of acceptance and announcement on the conference website will be provided about 2 weeks after STS submission.

After the approval of the STS, each corresponding individual contribution will need to be submitted following the Research Strand submissions through the Conference Management System. These will be blind reviewed following the same review process as all individual research strand contributions that will be presented at the conference.

Proposers of an STS should submit their proposal, using the attached STS template.

Once completed in all its sections should be submitted by email to conference@aaate.net by 31st of December 2024.