STS on Augmentative and Alternative Communication and Autism: Transforming Inclusion and Communication


Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) is a vital tool for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), many of whom experience significant challenges in verbal and non-verbal communication. This session explores innovative AAC strategies, tools, and technologies designed to improve communication, social interaction, and learning outcomes for individuals with ASD. It highlights the latest advancements, including device-based interventions, visual communication systems, and multimodal approaches tailored to the unique needs of people with autism.

AAC is more than a tool—it is a critical lifeline, enabling individuals with ASD to express themselves, foster independence, and promote inclusion in education, employment, and social settings. Professionals and caregivers can break down communication barriers and enhance meaningful participation by adopting AAC strategies.

This Special Thematic Session invites contributions that expand our understanding of AAC for autism, including research, case studies, and innovative practices. By uniting experts, practitioners, and researchers, it aims to spark meaningful discussions on the evolving role of AAC in autism interventions. Together, we can explore new pathways to enhance communication and inclusion, driving forward the field of assistive technology and profoundly impacting the lives of individuals with ASD.

Invitation for contributions

In the Special Thematic Session “Augmentative and Alternative Communication and Autism: Transforming Inclusion and Communication” we welcome presentations addressing the issue of exploring the role of AAC in addressing the unique communication needs of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This session aims to showcase innovative research, practical applications, and emerging trends in AAC that enhance communication, promote inclusion, and improve the quality of life for individuals with autism, including but not limited to research works on the following topics:

  • AAC in Education for ASD
  • Cultural and Social Considerations
  • Family and Caregiver Perspectives for ASD, assistive technology and AAC
  • Case Studies and Success Stories
  • Multimodal AAC Approaches to ASD
  • Training and Professional Development for supporting ASD in AAC and assistive technology


Nefi Charalambous Darden, Autism Praxis Infinity Solutions (APIS),