STS on AT Outcome and Impact Measurement


The growing need for assistive technology (AT) has led to an increase in (pilot) projects testing and implementing new health technologies. However, assessing the effectiveness of AT remains a challenge as current methods for measuring the (cost) effectiveness of AT are insufficient, existing outcome measures lack standardization, and they fail to fully reflect the perspectives of all stakeholders. A recent GAATO collaborative consensus report[1] identified 6 challenges based on global data:

  1. Measure Need
  2. Document Inputs
  3. Measure Outcomes
  4. Measure Impact
  5. Share Data
  6. Inform Policy

Building on GAATO’s research[2], this session aims to provide an overview of the current state of impact measurement in AT. Subsequently, we aim to explore which outcomes are being overlooked and what valid outcome measures are missing in order to determine which AT works best for whom, under which circumstances.

This session addresses a crucial educational need for the AAATE audience, as it will be a new starting point for researchers in the field of AT to collaboratively develop more consistent and comparable methods to evaluate AT. The session will also be highly relevant for health professionals, policy makers and funders since the aim of a clear outcomes set is to make better, evidence-based decisions about which technologies to implement for specific populations and under what conditions.

The session is promoted by GAATO, the Global Alliance of Assistive Technology Organizations.

Invitation for contributions

In the Special Thematic Session AT outcome and impact measurement we welcome contributions in which AT is evaluated on its outcome or impact, or in which measurement tools for outcome and impact are presented and evaluated.  


Luc de Witte, The Hague University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands,

Natasha Layton, Monash University, Australia,


[2] Smith E, Layton N, Smith R. Collaborative consensus on assistive technology impacts and outcomes: the GAATO Grand Challenges. Assistive Technology. 2024:1-8.