Important Dates
Submission deadlines
(all deadlines are 11.59pm CET)
- September 30th – December 31st 2024: Special Thematic Sessions (STSs) submission period. This is a rolling process. STSs notification of acceptance and announcement on the conference website: 2 weeks after STS submission
- January 1st 2025 – May 16th 2025: Inclusion Forum contributions submission period. This is a rolling process. Notification of acceptance will be provided during the process.
January 31st 2025: Deadline for all Research Strand contributions (extended abstracts for papers)- To meet the request of many colleagues, the deadline for Research Strand Contributions is extended to February 10th 2025.
- March 31st 2025: Research Strand notification of acceptance following peer review
- May 16th 2025: Deadline for camera ready for all Research Strand contributions and presenters’ registration
- May 31st 2025: Preliminary Programme announcement
- July 15th 2025: Conference final programme announcement
- September 8th-9th 2025: Pre-conference events
- September 10th-12th 2025: Conference
- Before May 16th, 2025: early registration is compulsory for at least one of the presenters for the Research Strand (minimum 1 per contribution).
- June 15th, 2025: early registration ends for all participants.
- After June 15th, 2025: regular fee registration.