Registration dates
- Before May 16th, 2025: registration is compulsory for at least one of the presenters for the Research Strand (minimum 1 per contribution).
- June 15th, 2025: early registration ends for all participants.
- After June 15th, 2025: regular fee registration.
Registration Fees
Ordinary fee
- Early bird (until 15.06.2025) = 540,00 Euro
- Regular (between 16.06.2025 and 1.09.2025) = 600,00 Euro
- Late (after 1.09.2025) = 660,00 Euro
- One day = 300,00 Euro
Reduced fee*
*Applied to: AAATE members + Members of collaborating organisations
- Early bird (until 15.06.2025) = 450,00 Euro
- Regular (between 16.06.2025 and 1.09.2025) = 500,00 Euro
- Late (after 1.09.2025) = 550,00 Euro
- One day = 250,00 Euro
Super reduced fee**
**Applied to: Persons with disabilities + Students (incl. PhD students) + Persons from non-high income countries
- Early bird (until 15.06.2025) = 252,00 Euro
- Regular (between 16.06.2025 and 1.09.2025) = 280,00 Euro
- Late (after 1.09.2025) = 308,00 Euro
- One day = 140,00 Euro
Inclusion Forum only fee (attendance only)***
***Unlimited access to all sessions in the Inclusion Forum (Educational sessions, Policy sessions and Innovation Area) + the keynote sessions. No access to the research strand. Promoters of sessions in the Inclusion Forum will need to register against the ordinary, reduced or super reduced fee.
- Early bird (until 15.06.2025) = 252,00 Euro
- Regular (between 16.06.2025 and 1.09.2025) = 280,00 Euro
- Late (after 1.09.2025) = 308,00 Euro
- One day = 140,00 Euro