Conference Proceedings

Publications in Conference Proceedings Volumes

Research Strand

There are two possible options for publication for the accepted contributions of the research strand.

Short Papers Collection from the AAATE 2025 Conference (AAATE self-publication)

Short paper publications of 2-3 pages following the camera-ready short paper template provided in Word Format Template [LINK available soon].

Proceedings of the conference by Springer

Full papers of 6-8 pages following the camera-ready full paper template and instructions provided below:

  • Guidelines for Authors [LINK available soon]
  • Word Format Template Package [LINK available soon]
  • LaTex Format Template Package [LINK available soon]

IMPORTANT: During submission for review, authors should indicate which type of publication they are interested in for their final paper.

Inclusion forum

Contributions to the inclusion forum will be published on the conference website, after final approval.

Book of Abstracts

For all contributions, a book of abstracts (150-200 words each) will be published for complete documentation and to support conference navigation.

Additional Publication opportunity: The Program Committee will invite the best research-strand papers presented at the conference to submit a journal version of the work to be published in a Special Issue of the journal Technology and Disability. These will go through the journal’s review process once submitted through the IOS system.

To submit an individual research strand contribution, please follow the submission procedure at:

Link to Conference Management System opening soon